Richard Johnston

Ice Village # 7 – Métabetchouan, Lac Saint Jean, Quebec, Canada, 2010
42″ x 96″
Digital inkjet print

Richard Johnston is a photographer from Toronto specializing in large format digital photography. His work largely documents the structures that shape Canadian cultures and communities and brings attention to unique places in a rapidly shifting world.

In this work by Richard Johnston, we see a collection of small huts, an “Ice Village”. This village will only exist for as long as the ice on Lac Saint Jean can hold them; the huts and their occupants are the mercy of the vagaries of the winter weather. The huts themselves have variety, with the exteriors showing a range of colours and features. We also see that a community has developed, with the majority of the huts clustered in a large circle/oval configuration, with a few outliers in the background. It makes one wonder about the relationships of the people, their interactions, and what will happen when the ice starts to melt.