Douglas Coupland

Harris Holofoil Mountain Sketch, 2022
Ed. 5/40
27″ x 35⅝”
Harris Holofoil Mount Robson, 2022
Ed. 5/25
32″ x 38″
Offset PrizmaFoil print

Douglas Coupland is a celebrated novelist, visual artist, and designer; the artist has been making work about popular culture and the effects of the technological revolution on the human brain for more than 20 years. His artworks, which encompass paintings, prints, installations, sculptures, and public projects, reflect his training in sculpture and design and the legacy of pop art.

In these works, Douglas Coupland gives a pop art treatment to Lawren Harris (1885 – 1970), one of the most well known members of the Group of Seven. Many Canadians are familiar with the mountain subject favoured by Lawren Harris – his works often featured Mount Robson and other iconic locations in the Rockies. Coupland plays on the familiar subject matter by producing a colourful and holographic print that looks like it could be by Harris – but isn’t. He gives us his reworking of classic Group of Seven landscape imagery, making them part of the continuing conversation about art, landscape, and the Canadian identity.